July 4, 2024

Aaron Ramsey wins Sky Bet Championship August Goal of the Month

Aaron Ramsey’s stunning strike against Leicester City has won the EFL Sky Bet Championship August Goal of the Month Award.

Rambo fought off competition from Jay StansfieldOzan Tufan and Ryan Hedges to win the award for his fine effort at the King Power Stadium.

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“It’s definitely up there as one of my best goals,” Aaron stated after receiving his award. I hit it extremely well, and you always know when you hit the ball that it has a chance. I understood right away, and thankfully it landed in the upper right corner.

Ashley Allen/Getty Images

“Rallsy used to say it was all in the assist he gave me – he said it was asking to be hit!” I believe you’re simply attempting to create a great, clean connection with the ball, and if you do, these balls can move and shift all over the place.

Aaron Ramsey

“It was just a matter of focusing on the strike, which thankfully was a good one!”

Rambo, congratulations!

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