July 4, 2024

The 62 London rapists, paedophiles and sex offenders jailed in last 12 months

Joseph McCann, John Worboys and Gemma Watts unsurprisingly all make the list

Alongside murderers; rapists, paedophiles and sex offenders are seen as the lowest of the low.

They leave their victims often traumatised, emotionally scarred and fearful of their future.

It is fitting that such dangerous men and women are taken off London’s streets and put behind bars for a long time.

In the last 12 months 62 rapists, paedophiles and sex offenders have been jailed in London, including the sick and depraved Joseph McCann.

Some of their crimes are so heinous and ghastly that you will be left appalled by their wickedness.

Thankfully though they are behind bars, and their victims can get some peace and recovery.

Here are the 62 rapists, paedophiles and sex offenders jailed in the last 12 months

Joseph McCann

The Old Bailey judge, Mr Justice Edis, called McCann “a coward, a violent bully and a paedophile” who had carried out a campaign of rape, violence and abduction of a level he had never seen or heard of before.

At the sentencing on Monday December 9, Mr Edis continued: “You have never expressed a word of regret or concern for your victims. You are entirely obsessed with yourself and believe you are entitled to use other people in any way you want. You think that other people exist only for your pleasure.

“You are a classic psychopath; I don’t think you will ever cease to be dangerous.”

He sentenced McCann to 33 life sentences to be served concurrently, with a minimum term of 30 years in jail. He was also sentenced to three ten-year sentences and a 14-year sentence, all to be served concurrently with the above.

The jury unanimously found McCann guilty of all 37 charges against him following a month-long trial which concluded on Friday, December 6.

As with the trial, McCann, 34, from Aylesbury, did not appear at court, saying he had a bad back so couldn’t come.

Detective Chief Inspector Katherine Goodwin, who led the investigation, said:  McCann is one of the most dangerous offenders this country has ever seen and the sentence handed down today is a reflection of his heinous crimes.

“Although the criminal proceedings are over, we should never forget that the 11 individuals who were subjected to McCann’s completely evil actions will have to live with those memories for the rest of their lives.

“Their unwavering support for the police investigation and the evidence they gave in court meant the jury had no choice but to see McCann for the depraved individual he really was.

“I must also thank all of the officers involved in this long and complex case, from those who first responded and provided immediate support to the victims, through to the investigation team who have dedicated the last few months preparing for this trial.

“We all had one ultimate aim – to bring McCann to justice and make sure no-one else will ever have to suffer at his hands.”

North London

Black cab rapist John Worboys, who was born in Enfield has pleaded guilty to drugging four more women.

The 62-year-old, who now goes by the name John Derek Radford, targeted women who hailed his cab and drugged them in order to sexually assault them.

He was jailed in 2009 for sex assaults on 12 women and at an Old Bailey hearing on June 20, 2019, pleaded guilty to a string of further offences relating to four more women.

Appearing via video link from Wakefield prison, Worboys, wearing spectacles and a light grey and green shirt, pleaded guilty to two counts of administering a stupefying or overpowering drug with intent to commit rape or indecent assault.

He also admitted two counts of administering a substance with intent to commit a sexual offence under the Sexual Offences Act.

The first victim was picked up in Worboys’ taxi after leaving a bar.

All the women made their allegations to police in early 2018, but the offences dated back to between 2000 and 2008 in London.

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