June 30, 2024

The AFL‘s biggest cult hero, Bailey Smith, says he has ‘grown up’ since his infamous white powder scandal and revealed how he’s getting his very promising career back on track after admitting to drinking too much.

Shocking footage emerged last season of the Bulldogs superstar appearing to snort a white powder, which Smith later admitted was an illicit substance.

It was a period in which the 22-year-old has since revealed was part of a downward spiral after the club got absolutely smashed in 2021 grand final by Melbourne – with his hard-living lifestyle continue to thrust him into the spotlight.


But no longer.

Smith is adamant that drugs, alcohol and partying are no longer the crutches he uses to deal with anxiety or get some sort of temporary high.

The 84-game onballer, who is already ranked elite in almost all statistical categories compared to other midfielders despite his tender age, said he finally realised he had to stop ‘treating his body like s**t’ and going out for beers with his mates every weekend after games.

‘There has been lots of growing up in between, lessons you learn but it does feel like a lifetime ago … it is s**t stuff to go through but it makes you the person you are,’ he told the Herald Sun.

‘I think the first two or three years I would treat my body like shit, I would do the recovery and stuff but after a game I’d always go out for a few beers … going out with your mates and drinking was a great release for me, but long-term body-wise it’s not going to work.’

So instead of ‘getting blind every weekend’, as Smith puts it, he now craves a ‘dopamine hit’ in other ways: walking his dog, watching TED talks, playing the Fortnite video game and throwing himself into an obsessive focus on diet, recovery and sleep.

There’s also a lot going on away from the footy field for arguably the AFL’s most marketable commodity.

The young star lives with glamorous girlfriend Gemma Dawkins, a burgeoning Instagram following of more than 349,000 and lucrative sponsorships with Monster Energy, McDonald’s and Cotton On; the latter of which he has done a number of modelling shoots for.

Bailey Smith has done several modelling shoots for fashion retailer Cotton On, who are one of his major sponsors

Smith has also done a variety of other fashion shoots, including this ad for a Melbourne barber where he sports his customary mullet and shows off his muscular arms

Though he may look very comfortable getting his shirt off if his Instagram is anything to go by, Smith is at pains to point out that he is anything but.

So much so, he participates in meetings at Cotton On once a week to have an input, without needing to be in front of the camera.

‘In terms of the modelling side of things, that’s stressful and not something that comes naturally to me as some people may think it does,’ said the quietly-spoken Smith.

But the end product of his modelling shoots are just brilliant. He is recognisable for being far more than just a footy player. Guys want to be him, girls want to date him.

So it would be safe to assume Smith might easily transition into the fashion industry upon retirement.

Or be his dream job if he wasn’t playing footy

Bailey Smith has a number of interests outside from footy – but has revealed the very surprise career move he would make if given the choice

The answer could not be further from the truth.

Smith revealed the surprise career move he would make if given the choice.

‘I’ve always loved the bodybuilding side of things. I would be into that if I wasn’t playing footy. It’s just so disciplined and it shows if you can control your diet your can control so many things,’ he said.

No doubt that chiselled six-pack and eye-popping physique would be perfectly suited to the flexing stag; but there is one compulsion he struggles to control and may get in the way of that dream.

‘I love sweets. Before the Melbourne game last year I reckon I had 800 grams of lollies, the scoop and weigh at Coles is shocking. It’s so bad and I love chocolate,’ laughed Smith.

The Bulldogs get their 2023 season underway on Saturday night, with a replay of their losing 2021 grand final to the Demons at the MCG.

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