September 17, 2024

Simone Biles Sends Farewell Message to Her Husband Before NFL Season

Simone Biles recently shared a heartfelt farewell message to her husband, Jonathan Owens, as he prepares for the NFL season. In her post, Biles expressed immense pride and support for Owens, acknowledging the hard work and dedication he has put into his football career. She highlighted his perseverance and commitment, emphasizing how his efforts inspire her.

Biles conveyed her excitement for Owens as he embarks on this new chapter, while also reflecting on their journey together. She mentioned the challenges and triumphs they’ve experienced as a couple, underscoring their strong bond and mutual encouragement.

The message also included personal anecdotes and sentiments, reinforcing her unwavering belief in his abilities and her eagerness to cheer him on from afar. Biles reassured Owens that despite the demands of the season, she would always be his biggest fan and a source of support.

Overall, Biles’ farewell was a mix of admiration and encouragement, celebrating their relationship and his forthcoming NFL season. It served as both a personal testament to their partnership and a public display of her confidence in his professional endeavors.

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