September 28, 2024

Brandie Wilkerson on beach volleyball and teamwork

After making her Olympic debut at Tokyo 2020 and reaching the quarterfinals, beach volleyball player Brandie Wilkerson returns to this year’s games with gold on her mind.

What is something you wish more people understood about your sport?

I wish people understood the amount of strategy and play being decided and executed almost like a chess game. Not only does it take a lot of experience and talent to master, but fans would totally have fun noticing the details!

What is your happiest sporting memory?

Winning gold on home soil with my closest family and friends.

Where’s your favourite beach in the world to play beach volleyball?

I love to play beach volleyball in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

What are some of the least glamorous aspects of being an Olympian?

The amount of missed events or moments with family and friends, long-distance relationships, training in bad weather, and dealing with injuries. But it’s all part of the job.

What does it mean to you to be the first Black woman to represent Canada in beach volleyball? And what more can the sport do to promote inclusivity?

I’m deeply honoured to be breaking barriers in this way and at the same time shocked that it’s taken this long. But I truly feel like this sport is moving in the right direction with its growth at the college level and younger. Visual representation is a great start, and encouraging beach volleyball in diverse communities will help expand the sport and help continue to have programs, clinics, and financial support for those who may have barriers similar to the ones I had when starting.

Leading up to the games, what does your training regimen look like?

Our team has been steadily competing on the world tour for competitive prep. Outside of that, we are based in L.A. where my coaches, trainer, and mental performance coach schedule multiple sessions in varying degrees of intensity.

I also think it’s important to enjoy the pleasures of summer by hanging out with friends to balance out the intense training. Soon we’ll be going to Portugal for a short training camp before heading to Paris to get ready for the Games.

You and your teammate Melissa Humana-Paredes have been a duo for only a year and a half now. What’s your secret to building such great chemistry so quickly?

I’m not sure what the secret sauce is but I know I have genuine awe, appreciation, and respect for my teammate, which is easy to translate into how we play together. I have so much fun being a part of each other’s journeys and our commitment to excellence, so I always feel like a winner with her by my side.

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