July 4, 2024

Crystal Palace have paid tribute to a supporter who died from severe brain injuries after being hit by a bus earlier this month while celebrating the team’s win over Leicester.

Crystal Palace defeated Leicester 2-1 at Selhurst Park earlier this month.
Following that victory, a supporter was killed when he was hit by a bus while celebrating.
Following his death, Palace has now paid tribute to the lifetime Eagles fan.

Crystal Palace have paid tribute to a lifetime follower who died earlier this month while enjoying his team’s 2-1 win over Leicester City.

Liam Foley was in Brixton, south London, with his brother Niall when the event occurred on April 1, just after Roy Hodgson’s team had picked up a crucial three points at Selhurst Park.

Due to significant brain damage, Foley was rushed to the hospital and placed on life support for four days before being pronounced dead.

Palace released a statement on Wednesday that read: ‘We are deeply saddened to learn of the tragic passing of lifelong fan, Liam Foley. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones at this extremely sad time.

‘We understand that Liam’s girlfriend, Josephine, is running the London Marathon and raising funds in his memory – and we wish her all the very best.’

This follows Griffiths paying her own personal tribute to Foley as she revealed she will be running Sunday’s race for the Brain and Spine Foundation.

She has dedicated her run to his memory, and has asked for the public to donate generously to a charity that has become even more significant to her since her loss.

‘To my Liam, there are no words to convey the pain I’m feeling without having you here by my side,’ Griffiths said on Facebook. You were more than my boyfriend; you were my closest friend, soulmate, and person.

‘With you by my side you made me feel as though I could achieve anything and anything was possible.

‘Your passion for life was something else, the biggest yes man I knew. You really lived life to the fullest with a beer in one hand and me in the other.

‘The love you showed me was unmatched and I hope you felt I showed you that too. You taught me so much in our time together and I count myself so so lucky to call you my boyfriend.

‘I always said you’d never be able to convert me to a Palace supporter but here I am, their new biggest fan.

‘You will be by my side in everything I do and I promise to make you proud, starting with the marathon in 2 weeks time. With your incredible family and friends who you loved so much by my side I promise you don’t need to worry about me.

‘I’m not ready and don’t think I ever will be ready to say goodbye so for now it’s a see you soon.

‘Thank you for the memories, the laughs, the pints and the endless love. Rest easy my love.’

‘With you by my side you made me feel as though I could achieve anything and anything was possible.

‘Your passion for life was something else, the biggest yes man I knew. You really lived life to the fullest with a beer in one hand and me in the other.

‘The love you showed me was unmatched and I hope you felt I showed you that too. You taught me so much in our time together and I count myself so so lucky to call you my boyfriend.

‘I always said you’d never be able to convert me to a Palace supporter but here I am, their new biggest fan.

‘You will be by my side in everything I do and I promise to make you proud, starting with the marathon in 2 weeks time. With your incredible family and friends who you loved so much by my side I promise you don’t need to worry about me.

‘I’m not ready and don’t think I ever will be ready to say goodbye so for now it’s a see you soon.

‘Thank you for the memories, the laughs, the pints and the endless love. Rest easy my love.’

The Crystal Palace HLTCO podcast also posted their support for Josephine ahead of her race, while explaining how the club are set to honour Foley ahead of their next home match against Everton on Saturday.

‘As you can no doubt imagine, the last couple of weeks have been incredibly hard for Liam’s family and friends,’ they wrote.

‘Liam was a truly passionate and committed Palace fan, having had a season ticket for 20 years.

‘Liam’s girlfriend Jo is running the London Marathon to raise money for the Brain and Spine Foundation next week, a charity which now, all too sadly, means even more to all of those who loved Liam.

‘The club have been in touch with his family and will be putting a picture of Liam in the programme and on the big screen for our home game against Everton this weekend coming but could I please ask you to visit Jo’s JustGiving page and consider giving him a donation.

‘I’m sure you’ll agree that Jo deserves endless admiration for running the marathon given what she’s had to endure over the last 2 weeks. RIP Liam Foley

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