July 7, 2024

Liverpool’s Egyptian midfielder Mohamed Salah (L) competes with West Ham United’s French defender Arthur Masuaku during an English Premier League football match at Anfield in Liverpool, northwest England, on August 12, 2018. / AFP Photo
On Saturday, they marched through central London to protest what their Facebook page described as “returning jihadists, veterans treated like traitors, thousands of AWOL (absent without leave) migrants,” inadequate penalties for paedophiles, and a “epidemic of gang and knife crime.”
Phillips, in a series of messages on his Twitter account, which he has now made private, stated that he attended the march and defended the DFLA against accusations that it was “far right” and responsible for Saturday’s clashes with police and anti-fascist protestors.

Those tweets were reported to the football anti-discrimination charity Kick It Out, which then forwarded them to England’s governing Football Association, as Phillips is a “participant in the game”.
Phillips did not appear to have breached any laws, thus the matter was referred to West Ham.
Because Phillips did not appear to have infringed any laws, the case was turned over to his club, who decided to suspend him on Tuesday.

A West Ham representative said in a statement that the club is inclusive. Regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, ability, religion, or sexual orientation, every member of our varied fans is cordially welcomed to London Stadium.
“We have a zero tolerance policy to any form of violent or abusive behaviour.”
West Ham fired director of player recruiting Tony Henry in February after he stated that some African players “cause mayhem” and that the Hammers “do not want any more Africans.”

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