June 30, 2024

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Updates on Russia and Ukraine: Putin calls Prigozhin a talented man who made “mistakes.”
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One killed, 3 injured in Russian shelling of Kherson: Governor

Russian shelling of Kherson city has killed one person and left three injured, including a child, the regional governor said.

Kherson regional governor Oleksandr Prokudin said on Friday morning that 16 Russian shells had hit the city, including a residential area.

“As a result of Russian aggression, one person died, three more were injured, one of them a child,” Prokudin wrote on the Telegram messaging app, according to a translation.

Critical infrastructure and a medical facility in Kherson city were also targets of the Russian attack, he said, without giving details of the extent of the damage.

Prokudin had said earlier that a seven-year-old girl was wounded in a Russian attack on her home in the Kherson region and had been rushed to hospital.

Prigozhin underestimated Putin’s humiliation over Wagner mutiny: Think tank

Prigozhin was confident that Putin would forgive him for mounting a mutiny in June that saw his Wagner fighters occupy a city in southern Russia and his forces shoot down several Russian aircraft, the Washington, DC-based think tank, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), said, citing Russian reports.

According to the ISW, Prigozhin had likely underestimated how personally humiliated Putin was by the Wagner mutiny and the threat by the mercenary force to take Moscow and throw out Russia’s top military commanders.

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