July 7, 2024

Franz Beckenbauer, a legendary German soccer player, died at the age of 78. He captained Germany to a World Cup victory in 1974 and won the tournament again as manager in 1990.

Franz Beckenbauer, a world-renowned footballer and coach, was a great friend and champion of German football. He shared his knowledge with many UEFA Executive Committee meetings and created excitement for the sport for generations.

Karl-Heinz RummenIGGE, CEO of Bayern Munich, expressed shock at the passing of Franz Beckenbauer, a significant figure in German football history. Beckenbauer was a successful captain, coach, and president, demonstrating respect for all people and rewriting the history of football.

Bayern President Herbert Hiner expresses deep sorrow for the loss of Franz Beckenbauer, a player who brought lightness, elegance, and magic to FC Bayern and football, and expresses gratitude to the family.

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