July 2, 2024

When an NBA player is traded to another team is it difficult to play against their old team mates that they are still fond of?

Every situation is different. It depends on how the trade impacts in individual players’ career prospects and quality of life. If they go from a bench role on one team and then become a starter on the new team, maybe not. If you go from a bench role on a team in Los Angeles, to a bench role on a team in a region of the country where the weather is terrible, maybe yes.

If you go from a team that’s bad and has no chance of making the playoffs to a team that’s competing for a title, probably not. If you go to a team where you were playing a lot, to a team that just drafted a younger player who plays the same position as you, maybe yes.

One players’ fondness for teammates probably has less to do with the difficulty of playing against a former team than other factors, namely those which have the biggest impact on one players’ career prospects and quality of life.

It can depend from player to player. Some might be missing their old teams and still be kinda homesick about their trade thing. Others might take it as a challenge. To play against the guys they played with, practiced with, worked out with.

Look at LeBron. Everyone knows about James’ and Wade’s friendship. According to me, thats the duo closest to each other in the NBA right now. And look how cool LeBron is when playing against Miami. Keeps having those small talks with Wade whenever possible.

But overall, it should be a little disturbing and off-beat. Your team’s like your family man. You gotta

…miss your family right? But its on them to rise above all that and keep playing at higher levels for their new teams.

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