June 30, 2024

“Heartbroken” Lewis Hamilton Calls Out for Help as Horrific Tragedy Strikes America

In spite of being banned not to do so on track, the outspoken nature of Lewis Hamilton cannot be contained. The Brit’s caring nature always takes over, and he uses other mediums to express his feelings. Sadly, in this instance, the feeling is of heartbreak, and many share this emotion. Many share this emotion for a horrific tragedy that has affected a humble little town. This is why, with his grief-stricken heart, Hamilton is also pleading for help. Help is essential for all the Americans suffering this horrific tragedy in the island county of Maui.

For the unaware, Maui recently suffered a horrific phenomenon that left the entire county devastated. On Tuesday, 8th August, a wildfire consumed Maui. This horrific situation arose from a deadly combination of drought conditions and hurricane weather. The violent fire spread out throughout the county within no time and forced families to evacuate on short notice.

So far, the wildfire has taken 67 victims and the official death toll keeps rising. The wildfire also completely consumed the town of Lahaina. This is exactly what Hamilton shared on his Instagram story with a message.

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