July 6, 2024

Jim Schwartz won the 2023 NFL Assistant Coach of the Year Award by introducing adjustments.
His Cleveland Browns defense developed into an attacking, aggressive force at all three levels.

Their pass rush made things simpler for the secondary, while the secondary aided the pass rush when necessary.
And the linebackers came into their own, spreading havoc across the field.
But former Browns safety Tashaun Gipson, who now plays for the San Francisco 49ers, told FanDuel’s Blaiden Kirk that one alteration can make all the difference.
Gipson emAnd the former 2012 UDFA and 2014 Pro Bowler claims the entire NFL has noticed the culture shift.
phasizes the Browns’ locker room confidence, which they lacked for far too long.

Speaking with reporters as he prepares to play for the 49ers in the Super Bowl, the 12-year veteran had more to say.
He recalled the 2014 season, when Cleveland began 6-3 and led the AFC North.
It surprised both the Browns players and their supporters, as well as the rest of the league.
However, rather than increasing confidence, the locker room attitude was one of skepticism.
Nobody was surprised when they lost six of their final seven games, finishing last in the division.
Gipson believes the Browns’ culture of losing and low expectations has changed.
Especially on defense, where the players truly believe they are among the best in the NFL.
Browns supporters felt it as well, anticipating second-half comebacks rather than shutting off their televisions early in despair.

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